Buying and selling cars can be stressful. Buyers looking for the right car are desperate for opinions they can trust. Sellers, on the other hand, will do just about anything to get the exposure they need to attract buyers. In Canada, promises to be "the most effective way to buy or sell a used car,” and that people who don't know about the site would need to go to pretty extreme lengths in order to get the same results. This campaign from ad agency DDB Canada dramatizes the lengths that buyers and sellers go to—whether it’s breaking into a complete stranger’s car to solicit an owner review, or robbing a bank to get the most exposure for a used car—to illustrate beyond a doubt that is the better way. “It was an exciting production with some high-intensity moments,” reported the agency. “Our director, for example, did some takes while crouched in the back of the getaway vehicle, moving at high speed with the trunk open.” But the results were worth it. Since the campaign launched, site traffic has been up, and bank robberies have been down.
The University of Bridgeport, Connecticut released a magazine celebrating the diversity of opinions.