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Responses by David Oakley, creative director, BooneOakley

Background: These days, it seems like everyone is turning towards a “healthy” lifestyle. Everybody is going low-carb, or God forbid, no-carb and cutting out one of the most wonderful foods on the planet: bread. All these diet-fad followers are forgetting one very important fact: Bread is delicious. We couldn’t stand by idly and let this continue to happen. Bread is tasty, and no one around here makes bread as tasty as Charlotte, North Carolina–based bakery Dukes Bread.

Reasoning: Bread gets very little respect these days. We thought it was high time to celebrate the wonders of bread, diets be damned. Carbs just taste better than kale.

Challenges: Not eating the bread during the shoot.

Favorite details: The reaction from the client. Founder Adam Duke immediately loved the idea of the campaign and really worked closely with us to get headlines on the bread. When the print ads didn’t look quite as nice as we wanted, we were fortunate enough to have retouching company Hac Job in Minneapolis work some of its magic to help the headlines become more legible.

Anything new: We all learned we could never do a low-carb diet with Dukes Bread in town.


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