Responses by Brian Button and Morton Halvorsen, associate creative directors, Lyft and Joshua Z Weinstein, director
Background: For the past five years, Lyft has continuously received letters from passengers who write to share powerful stories about connecting with their drivers. Our passengers and drivers help prove the power of human connection and small acts of kindness. We wanted to do more to recognize these drivers and make it easier for people to share their stories.
Reasoning: The goal was to catalyze our community into action to share more thank you stories, so that we can do more to honor and celebrate our drivers in 2018. We invited passengers to nominate their favorite drivers by sending an email to From there, we will continue to work on how to further recognize the Lyft driver community.
Challenges: We’re fortunate to have a substantial community of incredible drivers and passengers, so it was a challenge to choose the initial stories to share.
Favorite details: The humanity and heart of these stories.
Visual influences: The freewheeling films of the 1970s. William Freidkin’s The French Connection, Jerry Schatzberg’s Scarecrow, and John Cassavete’s A Woman Under the Influence are just a few examples of films that feel both stylized and observational at the same time.
Time constraints: There was a limited timeframe to build connections with both Lamont and Paloma, but we designed an approach that allowed us to get to the heart of who they are and get them comfortable to tell their stories.