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Director Frank Devos of Los Angeles/Brussels/Amsterdam-based Caviar lends his directorial touch pro bono to a viral PSA, "Little People," for Antwerp, Belgium ad agency Duval Guillaume and its Belgian-based client, NGO Peace Islands (Vredeseilanden). With his distinctive humor, Devos sheds light on a Peace Islands program that supports small farmers worldwide, who are living in virtual poverty and suffering from starvation. The program encourages sustainability in addition to selling “little people” key chains, which benefit indigenous farmers. Shot in Cape Town, South Africa and Kortenberg, Belgium, the video opens on a hitchhiker and a Spanish-speaking farmer trucking through a dusty agricultural area. A misunderstanding quickly ensues when the spirited hitchhiker tells the driver he sells “little people,” and forgets to specify that he’s referring to key chains. The spot closes with the tag, “Buy little people keychains and help poor farmers in the South.”


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