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The mission of the World Wildlife Fund is to conserve the earth’s biodiversity by protecting its species and their habitats. One of the obstacles to their message is that in isolation it isn’t directly relevant to people. Threats to the environment and its fragile ecosystems don’t get much more explicit than in DDB & Co. Turkey's 2010 public awareness campaign for the World Wildlife Fund. It gets the general public interested and involved by highlighting the real threat to mankind. By emphasizing that all of earth’s organisms form a complex, interconnected web of habitats that provide its life support system, the campaign communicates that mankind cannot survive without a healthy, sustainable ecosystem. The approach highlights the threat by taking something perceived as threatening and highlighting how much more threatening it would be if it didn’t exist. With three simple words and images it captures the essence of the danger.

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Horrifying. More horrifying.
Terrifying. More terrifying.
Frightening. More frightening.

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Exploiting the ecosystem also threatens human lives. For a living planet: wwf.org

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