Unlikely inspiration: K-pop! The vibrant colors and visuals, the audacious dance moves and storytelling are exciting and make me feel like a kid all over again. I know only a handful of Korean words, but it doesn’t matter because I still enjoy the music—it transcends the boundaries of language and culture. As a designer, I want to evoke this same feeling in my work.
Latest tech: I’ve been building a small collection of my favorite newsletters, and so far, I’ve boiled it down to Product Hunt’s newsletter and Sidebar. These are my go-to news sources for the most popular developments in the tech industry. It’s a little unorthodox, but I also like watching what my friends star on GitHub—it’s a great place for inspiration.
Online camaraderie: I’m a huge fan of Makerbase, a directory of who’s behind your favorite sites and apps. Entrepreneur Anil Dash and tech writer Gina Trapani have created a community founded on the idea of giving credit where it is due in a safe environment. I love seeing what people have made and who’s connected to whom. It’s a positive reminder that creating is how we can change the world, one project at a time.