Location: San Francisco, wherever I am sent, wherever I send myself.
Duration: Five years.
Staff: Me + one assistant if in any way possible, a new wireless smart phone thing any minute now.
Education: Honors B.A. in English Literature/ Creative Writing, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (1998). Photojournalism internship in Santiago, Chile. Photo assisting.
Cultural Influences: Overzealous high school photo teacher, mysterious fascination with any Spanish/Portuguese speaking (and dancing) nation, a graphic designer sister and fiance. Photo: Sheer immersion-early influences of Sally Mann, Sebastiao Salgado, National Geographic, Vogue and Sassy. Cinematography: Recent building interest. In the Mood for Love, Lost in Translation. Poetry: Elizabeth Bishop, Philip Levine, Billy Collins, Robert Haas, Li-Young Li. Travel writers: Paul Theroux, Bill Bryson, Best American Travel Writing.
Environment: Home office in a lovely Victorian apartment at the top of Buena Vista hill. Extremely un-ergonomic workspace crammed in a corner so the rest of the room can be open space with hardwood floor. Eighry-eight-year-old Dolores in her garden to chat with through the window.
Philosophy: Always travel to new places, but don't move your apartment. Know exactly what your subject matter is (and focus on it) even if it's a mood or color. Promote the work you want to get. Get closer to people before you back up. Bring a tripod. Question your work, but believe the support from your loved ones. (If AP tells you your pictures for them are too arty, that might be a good thing.) Every philosophy has inherent imperfections.