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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and www.monkeywerks.ca.
Duration: Two-and-a-half years.
Staff: Myself, we also have a retoucher, a producer/rep, a studio manager, assistant and film and video editor.
Education: Four years photography at the School of Image Arts at Ryerson Polytechnic University. Four years of philosophy at York University.
Cultural Influences: My wife, Julie, and our son, Jonah. My folks and my brother. Friends. Coworkers. Canadiana, Americana and healthy sprinkles of other "ana's" from the four corners of the world. Food. The mountains. The ocean. TV. Magazines. Film. Theology. Mythology. Bossa nova, funk, hip-hop, jazz, lounge, rock, trip, et al. Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Alexander Dumas. Hunter S. Thompson. Angst. Ontology. Abstract Expressionism, Post-Post Modernism. Photoklub. Eugene Atget, Nan Goldin, Larry Clark, Irving Penn, Albert Watson, Jeff Wall, Edward Burtynsky, Bernd and Hilla Becher, Don Snyder, Marra Braun, Doug Clark, Poet Farrell, Per Kristiansen, Don Dixon.
Environment: We have two studios, two digital platforms, a digital editing suite, a film and video editing suite, several offices, a network of G4S, G5s and laptops, a dark-room, a full kitchen and meeting rooms. All in the heart of Toronto's Film District.
Philosophy: One step backward, two steps forward. Existence precedes essence. Nothing is still something. And, always, aspire towards the paradigm balance between work and play.

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