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Location: London, United Kingdom.

Duration: Since 2013.

Education: BA in graphic design from Central Saint Martins and postgraduate studies at The Prince’s Drawing School.

Cultural influences: Being a British-born Chinese, I’ve been heavily influenced by Western art and only recently discovered Chinese painting through my studies at The Prince’s Drawing School.

Artistic influences: Geniuses Sempé and Matisse for their use of line. Tomer Hanuka, Käthe Kollwitz and Gauguin for their strong shapes and composition. I’m looking at lots of collage recently and loving John Stezaker, among others.

Big break: An urgent call from a design studio in Berlin for a Das Magazin double-spread depicting the protests in Brazil against rising costs and underfunded public services.

Work environment: I share a clothes-factory-turned-studio in Haggerston, East London, with another painter and illustrator.

Technique: Painting with Chinese ink on several different layers, then scanning into Photoshop for further development.

Philosophy: Work hard, don’t get complacent, and keep pushing yourself with ideas and process.

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