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Duration: 1,410 days, 15 hours and 23 seconds, but who’s counting?
Size: 4.6 humans. Left to right pictured above: Harris Silver, president; Julian Flear, bookkeeper; Sharoz Makarechi, creative director; Matthew Dugas, art director; Ecenur Kaleli, art director (front).
Education: After wandering between schools and majors, Sharoz landed in New York City, graduated from School of Visual Arts and was invited to teach advertising classes there soon after. Matthew and Ecenur were among her star students. Matthew also holds a degree from Boston University and Harris is a Brooklyn College alum. We’re not sure where Julian went to school, but he’s smarter than all of us so it might have been somewhere fancy.
Cultural Influences: Dr. Seuss, the New York Times and HBO On Demand.
Environment: It’s a lot like Andy Warhol’s factory without Andy or the factory.
Philosophy: There’s beauty in utility, dignity in work and peanut butter in the kitchen.

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