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Duration: I’ve earned my living as a photographer for five years, but only half that time was dedicated to my current style. It was kind of like looking for my keys for twenty minutes only to find that they were in my pocket the whole time.

Staff: I hire my team on a per project basis, and though the people sometimes change depending on the job/location, I always look for talented people with a good attitude.

Education: I earned a BA in psychology at Syracuse University, but my photography education was a combination of self-teaching and guidance from mentors who provided invaluable insight along the way. I created an online photo magazine called The F STOP (www.thefstopmag.com) in 2007; this experience provided the opportunity to interview dozens of well-known photographers and taught me about working with a team of people to create a high-quality product.

Cultural Influences: Ideas for photographs fortunately flow often and easily for me. They’re invariably based off of elements in my immediate visual environment. So I consider anything around me to be an influence, and that includes the Wall Street banker at a check cashing shop, the dog relieving itself on a public drinking fountain and the panhandler checking the time on his Rolex watch.

Environment: I frequently work on location but also shoot in rented studios.

Philosophy: Do what you love. Appreciate what you have along the way.

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