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Max Hattler/Aurora Hidalgo/Raúl López, art directors
Aurora Hidalgo/Raúl López, writers
Félix Del Valle/Carlos Jorge, chief creative officers
Max Hattler, music/director/production company
OEO, music company
Victor Bregante, visual effects supervisor
Leticia Gutiérrez/Lorena Landau, stylists
Paco Ribera, executive director of production
Amnesty International, client
“This Amnesty International ad implores governments to regulate arms dealing. The online video is made entirely of the flags and symbols of the countries where most illegal weapons are dealt, including the United States, Russia, France, the United Kingdom, Israel, Italy, Germany, China, Ireland, the European Union, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Colombia, Somalia, Ivory Coast, Libya, Syria, Egypt, Bahrain, Lebanon and Yemen.”

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