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John Krull, art director/designer/creative director
James Breen, writer
Michael Kriefski, executive creative director
Scott Lanza, photographer
Vanessa Dubiel, food stylist
Chad Bollenbach, retoucher
Nick Newlin, interactive producer
Shine United, ad agency
Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board, client

“When your competitor is outspending you by 1,000 percent in any given media—let’s say broadcast TV—your agency’s job is to find a battlefield where you can win. For the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board, that battlefield was digital. We created straight-up food porn in the form of a digital Rolodex of sorts, a microsite including 40 of the most amazing cheeseburgers your taste buds can imagine. The result: more than 7.5 million visitors since its launch. A true game-changer.”


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