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Michael Smith, art director
Dave Swaine, writer
Michael Smith/Dave Swaine, associate creative directors
Mark Ray, executive creative director
Ron Lawner, chief creative officer
David Kuhl, art buyer
Steve Grizzle, The Vision Factory, editor
Buddy Cone, director
John Seaton, agency producer
Mary Jarnagin, production company producer
Chelsea Pictures, production company
Arnold Worldwide, ad agency
Rawling's Sporting Goods, Inc., client
Save That Dude! :30 (Open on Tracy McGrady relaxing pool-side at home with Rawlings Ten basketball sitting next to him) Music: Cheesy '70s TV show track. Anncr. (VO): (Over the top) The Rawlings Ten presents T-Mac in "Save That Dude over there who's fallin'! Super: Save that dude over there who's fallin'. (Cut to a young lady across the pool. She points) Young Lady: T-Mac! T-Mac! That dude over there is fallin'! Save him! (Cut to a guy hanging from the gutter on the garage. Cut to T-Mac picking up the basketball and jumping to his feet) T-Mac: (To the ball) Let's go. (Cut to T-Mac running and then leaping up to the garage. He tosses the ball off the basketball backboard. Cut to T-Mac landing on the roof. He pauses and then catches the ball. Cut to ECU of his hand palming the ball as he reaches it out to the guy) T-MAC: Grab the ball, Dude Who's Fallin'! (He turns to the camera) It's the Rawlings Ten. It's got more grip. (Cut to guy's hand sticking to the opposite side of the ball as T-Mac lifts him to safety) Guy: Thanks, T-Mac. T-Mac: No problem, Dude Who Was Fallin'. Anncr. (VO): The Rawlings Ten. More Grooves. More Grip. More Game. (Cut to T-Mac and ball lounging in the pool) Anncr. (VO): Stay tuned next time for T-Mac in Save That Cat in the Tree! (Cut to old guy in a tree) Old Guy: (Deadpan) T-Mac. T-Mac. Save me. Save me.

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