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Jesse Coulter/Kevin Proudfoot/Robert Rasmussen/Paul Renner/Anthony Sperduti, art directors
Bobby Hershfield/Paul Renner/Ilicia Winokur, writers
Kevin Proudfoot/Paul Renner, associate creative directors
Ty Montague/Todd Waterbury, creative directors
Brett Morgen/Mark Romanek, directors
Brian Cooper/Jesse Wann, agency producers
Gary Krieg, executive producer
Anonymous Content, production company
Wieden+Kennedy, ad agency
ESPN, client
(series, includes 1) "Makeshift" :60 (Opens with music that sounds like pots, pans and pipes being played like drums. Cut to a child laying an extension chord down on the grass. Cut to another child drawing a line on the street with a rock. Cut to another child moving a cone, presumably in a backyard. Cut to a pizza box being placed down as home plate. Cut to a bike being used as a goal post. Cut to a child on an outdoor basketball court. Cut to a group of kids with hockey equipment walking past a sign that says, "For Tennis Only." Cut to a boy cinching a knot that turns a T-shirt into a football. Cut to a batter knocking the Pizza Box Home Plate and the pitcher staring him down. Cut to the hockey goalie pulling down his winter face mask. Cut to a can being crushed and then slap-shot as a hockey puck. Cut to the T-shirt Football being hiked. Cut to the baseball being hit. Cut to a soccer ball being kicked passed a girl playing goalie in front of a garage door. Cut to a boy with a football lunging toward the Bicycle Goal Line with three defenders on his back. Cut to the Winter Mask Goalie stopping a puck on the tennis court. Cut to a boy catching a ball in the street, making sure he keeps two feet in before going out of bounds, onto the sidewalk. Cut to two boys snarling at the camera. Cut to a boy pushing off a lawn-mower which acts as a base. Cut to another boy snarling for the camera. Cut to a ball being dunked in a laundry basket then another ball being shot into a shopping cart turned up on its side. Cut to a ball being kicked between two trees then a football bouncing off a bridge then another ball bouncing through two tree trunks. Cut to a boy jumping for a baseball as it flies over a backyard fence. Cut to a ball rolling into a gutter on the street. Cut to a dog watching. Cut to a boy kneeling down next to the gutter. Cut to a boy smashing his opponent into a car during street hockey. The car alarm goes off. The dog barks. The kids scatter in various directions. Cut to a boy shooting baskets at dusk. Cut to a child attempting to block a soccer kick that hits an orange-and-white construction pylon. Cut to a girl who is holding her elbow up and pointing to a big scratch. Cut to a kid stretching to get a football across the extension chord goal line. Cut to a child hitting a ball off a garden pedestal like it's a batting tee. Cut to a basketball knocking a few lights over) Super: Without Sports, How Would We Use All We've Got? (Cut to a kid walking down the street as the sun sets, dragging a makeshift hockey net behind him) Super: ESPN "Kissing" :30 (Open on a guy and a girl kissing. We start in close on their faces as they continue to kiss while music plays in the background) Guy: Your lips are so soft. Girl: You're so sweet. (As they continue to cuddle and kiss, the camera slowly pulls back) Girl: I love you so much. Guy: I love you too. (The camera move reveals that the guy is wearing an Ohio State sweatshirt and the girl is wearing a Michigan shirt. They're still snuggling as the super fades up) Super: Without Sports, This Wouldn't Be Disgusting. Camera Card: ESPN. "Nimrods" :30 (Open with shot of Watersmeet sign along snowy highway. Cut to Game footage of the mascot and team running through a painted paper sign) Dale: I've been a Nimrod since 1938. (Cut to Game footage of cheerleaders cheering) Dale: I have two daughters. They're both Nimrods. (Cut to Game footage of the team playing then cut to the basketball coach talking in his office) Coach: We have 78 high school students. We have 19 boys out for our high school basketball team. And they're all proud to be Watersmeet Nimrods. (Cut to Cheerleaders during the game) Cheerleaders: Go Nimrods! (Cut to a shot of Grandma) Grandma: Everybody looks forward to basketball games. We love 'em here. Super: Without Sports, who would cheer for the Nimrods? (Cut to two fans in hunting outfits) Fans: Go Nimrods!

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