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James Selman, art director
Mike Byrne, writer
Mike Byrne/Hal Curtis, creative directors
Westley Sarokin, animator
Angus Wall, editor
Elias, music company
Jake Scott, director
Patrick Murphy, visual effects supervisor
Vic Palumbo, producer
Michelle Abbott, production company producer
RSA Films, production company
Wieden+Kennedy, ad agency
Nike, client
"Magnet" :90 SFX: Music throughout. (Open on extreme wide shot of ocean cliff. Pan in to Lance biking along side bluff. Cut to medium shot of Lance biking. Pan out to reveal POV is inside of a train. One conductor is shown watching Lance as train rides parallel to Lance. Cut to wide shot of Lance riding with train in background. Cut to a tight overhead shot of Lance biking. See shadows of birds on the ground. Pan out and see shadows of Canadian geese flying with Lance. The road he's on splits; Lance goes left and the geese follow him. Cut to ECU of Lance's calf and trail up his leg to his face. In the background is a motorcyclist. Cut to Lance riding with a pack of motorcycles. Lance continues to ride ahead of them. Cut to a little girl inside of a hospital hallway. View widens to show a group of children in the hallway. The kids are running down the hallway, towards the camera. Cut to outside and see Lance biking by; he raises his fist in the air as he passes the hospital. Cut to inside the hospital at the kids [excited] and looking out the window. Cut to wide of Lance biking. Cut to head on shot of Lance's helmet as he bikes up hill. Cut to a herd of buffalo stampeding. Cut to wide shot of herd stampeding towards the road. Cut to wide shot of Lance riding (from above). Cut to Lance riding in the pouring rain. Follow him as he rides under an freeway overpass. The rain stops; Lance continues to ride and he passes a pickup truck with children that has pulled over for shelter from the rain. Cut to head on shot of Lance riding back into the rain and in the background the kids are running after him. Cut to Lance climbing up a steep, winding hill in the forest. It's dark out. Cut to front shot while he climbs up hill; fireflies are around him. Cut to CU of same. Cut to Lance coming out of tunnel with hundreds of bats following him. Cut to medium shot of Lance riding downhill. Cut to daylight and Lance is riding around a corner in San Francisco. Other bikers follow him. Cut to closer shot of the same. Cut to Lance rounding a corner with bikers following him. Cut to wide head on of Lance and bikers going through San Francisco streets. Cut to wide profile of Lance and bikers riding through the streets. Cut to an eleven-year-old biking with a football helmet on and his shoulder pads hanging over his handle bars. Cut to profile of Lance's back wheel and the boy's front wheel almost touching as the boy tries to keep up) Super: Just Do It. (Cut to Lance looking back, from boy's POV). Super: Swoosh

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