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James Selman, art director
Michael Illick, writer
Mike Byrne/Hal Curtis, creative directors
Cedric Nicholas, Inferno artist
Peter Wiedensmith, editor
Forrest Whitaker, voice talent
Max Malkin, director
Jennifer Smieja, agency producer
Amanda Clark, production company producer
HSI Productions, production company
Wieden+Kennedy, ad agency
Nike, client
"Natural Selection" :30 Music: Eerie sound design throughout. Forest Whitaker VO throughout (Open on close-up of cobra) SFX: Cobra hissing. (Cut to close-up of mongoose. Cut to basketball court with cobra and mongoose in the center. Cut to cobra and mongoose about to fight each other) Forest Whitaker (VO): In forty minutes one of them won't be here anymore (Cut to them. Cut to mongoose. Cut to mongoose hissing) SFX: Mongoose hissing. (Camera pans continuously and goes back and forth while cobra and mongoose fight) Forest Whitaker (VO): That's just the way the dance is set up. You lose; you die. So to speak. (Cut to cobra as his tongue sticks out) Forest Whitaker (VO): No. You die. Super: Swoosh and nikebasketball.com

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