John Norman, art director
Steve Simpson, writer
Rich Silverstein, creative director
Stephen Schuster, designer
Adam Kimmel, director of photography
James Choi/
Gary Mau, animation
Chris Howard/
Kevin Moseley, Flame artists
Hal Honigsberg, editor
Beth Urdang, music
Agoraphone, music company
François Vogel, director
Claude Letessier/
Jennifer Siegel, producers
Josh Reynolds, agency producer
Paranoid Pictures: Tool, production company
Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, ad agency
Hewlett-Packard, client
François :30 Music: The Kinks, "Picture Book." (Open on the director, François, in a kitchen/home work space next to a HP Photosmart 8450 Printer, with various printing and art materials. He picks up a white empty frame from the table in front of him, holds it before his face, where the frame takes a picture. He repeats the same process three times and begins singing "Picture Book" as the lyrics begin. Picks up an already 'printed' picture and holds it in front of his face, where it becomes a live shot, and he puts the blank frame over his head to hang around his neck) Super: You are your own photo opportunity. (François continues the game of making pictures out of frames, frames out of pictures, while singing along) Super: YOU + hp Anncr. (VO): HP Digital Photography. Click, print, invent. (Fade to black, white you+hp lockup remaining, spinning into hp logo on black background. Invent drops down into place from behind logo) _______________________________________ "Relay" :30 Music: The Kinks, "Picture Book" (Open on a young couple, under a colorful umbrella. The young man is holding his arm out as if to take their picture. The camera moves back and he is holding a 8 1/2 x 11 print of the starting frame. The girl runs off around the corner and the boy turns around with the now empty frame and holds it up to frame a man stepping out of a doorway with an umbrella, and the frame freezes and takes a "picture" of the man. The boy brings this picture up to the camera and it becomes the new scene. The man steps out of the doorway to hold the umbrella for the girl from scene 1, who now has an empty frame, which she holds up to frame a three people in the background. The frame freezes, and she brings the print up to the camera. The camera follows the three people walking down a small cobblestone street with a food cart and a young woman riding a bicycle towards the camera. A young man in the street hands her an 8 1/2 x 11 print, and as she rides closer to the camera, the scene on the print begins to move as it snaps into the viewing frame. Cut to a young blonde girl running across a small village street to a wall with a hole in it, where a 8 1/2 x 11 frame is being passed through to her. She smiles as she puts the frame with the new scene up to the lens) Super: You Play With Pictures. (Cut to two young boys in old-fashioned hats, one passing a picture to the next, and then the boy brings the picture up to the camera. Cut to a child, swinging towards the camera on a tire swing at a playground, with an 8 1/2 x11 print in his hand. He brings the print all the way to the camera lens and the photograph snaps into the viewing frame, and becomes the new scene. Cut to a young girl going down a playground slide, holding a print. She slides right up to the camera and the print becomes the new scene. Cut quickly back to the cobble stone street, with the same girl riding her bike towards the camera with a print, takes the print up to the lens. Cut quickly back to the blonde girl running across the street to grab the print through the wall from the kid. Cut back to the two young boys in hats passing one picture to the next, just for a second. Cut to the boy on the swing, bring in a print of the girl on the slide, while a print of both of them are on the print that the girl on the slide is holding within the print. Cut to the girl on the slide and she has a picture of the couple from the beginning, which she brings to the foreground. The couple is holding an HP Photosmart R707 Digital Camera, to take their picture. The camera swings around behind them, for a straight-on shot of the camera. The girl holds up a 4 x 6 frame as the boy snaps the picture. She brings that print to the foreground) Anncr. (VO): Click, print, invent. (Two sides of the plus form on the corners of the camera and come together) Super: you + hp Fade to black. Lockup spins into hp invent logo. Anncr. (VO): Click, print, invent. Super: ___________________________________ "Picture Book" :60 Music: The Kinks, "Picture Book" (Open on people moving into a line in front of a long bench in the middle of the square, carrying empty white frames) Super: + hp (Cut to a high angle, where it is now apparent that there is a man taking a group photo. The people take their places in three scattered rows, and the man holds up a HP Photosmart R707 Digital Camera, to take the picture) Super: Dozens of +s flying out from the center of the screen, and pause in space at the end of shot. Each of the +s turn into corners, and disappear into the various corners of each white frame. (Cut to a close-up shot pans from the left. In unison, the people pull the frames from in front of their faces, and the frame has captured their photo at that exact point in time. They pass their picture to their neighbor, who then holds the new face in front of their own. Cut to a woman bouncing up into the air above the horizon from out of frame, over a backdrop of trees) Super: You (moving with the bouncing woman) (A woman's hand comes in from out of frame to the right and pulls a 4 x 6 snapshot of the airborne woman from out of the air, while the bouncing woman falls back down. Cut to a wider angle of the woman setting the 4 x 6 print on a park bench next to her, where she is sitting next to a HP Photosmart 375 printer. The woman bounces into the air again, now small and in the background) Super: Find Pictures (moving with the bouncing woman) (The woman on the bench pulls another print of the woman at her apex, and places it down beside her. Again, the woman bounces up and flips far in the background) Super: Everywhere (moving with the bouncing woman) (The woman on the bench pulls yet another print, and places it on the bench. Cut to a child, swinging towards the camera on a tire swing at a playground, with an 8 1/2 x 11 print in his hand. He brings the print all the way to the camera lens and the photograph snaps into the viewing frame, and becomes the new scene) Super: You (Cut to a small cobblestone street with a food cart and a young woman riding a bicycle towards the camera. A young man in the street hands her an 8 1/2 x 11 print, and as she rides closer to the camera, the scene on the print begins to move as it snaps into the viewing frame) Super: You Play With Pictures (Cut to a young blonde girl running across a small village street to a wall with a hole in it, where a 8 1/2 x 11 frame is being passed through to her. She smiles as she puts the frame with the new scene up to the lens. Cut to a brown-haired woman standing on a balcony over a busy city square with a large black and white triangle design. She is holding a frame just above the railing, and people are walking through the scene below. The scene in the frame freezes on two people in mid-stride, and she pulls the print away from the railing revealing the continuing movement down in the square. Cut to the director, François, in a kitchen/home work space next to a HP Photosmart 8450 Printer, with printing materials, various 8 1/2 x 11 prints of his head/face set around, and a blank white frame around his neck. He picks up a blank empty frame from the table in front of him, holds it before his face, where the frame takes a picture. He sets the print down and another, already "printed" and holds it in front of his face, where it becomes a live shot, and he puts the blank frame over his head to hang around his neck) Super: You (Cut to a costume party, where all sorts of exotically costumed people are dancing. From the camera's point of view, an arm reaches out and grabs a print from one face, and as the shot switches to another dancer, grabs another print, and then another) Super: You Capture Every Color (Arm pulls a print with a woman's face up from below the frame, and places it in a perfect fit with a dancing woman. Cut to a young boy, standing on a hill above a lake, with a 8 1/2 x 11 print of a man in his hands. The camera moves back away from him, through another 8 1/2 x 11 frame, being held by a man and woman. The boy begins to run up the hill and is captured in the new frame right before he passes his print to the man. The camera continues up the hill, through another frame, held by two more people, and the first couple become a print in the new frame. The camera continues through another frame, being held up by the original boy and a little girl) Super: You (Cut back to the pan shot from the first scene of the people in the square passing the pictures back and forth to each other) Super: You Think All The World's A Photo Album (The people pass the prints back to their original owners, and they turn back into frames. Cut to a straight-on shot of the man shooting the group photo, pointing a HP R707 Digital Camera directly at the viewer. He takes the picture) Anncr. (VO): HP (Cut to the opening low-angle shot of the people in the square. They pause for the picture and then begin to move) Anncr. (VO): Digital Photography. Super: The corners of the shoot out toward the edges of the shot and turn back into +s. you + hp centers on screen. Anncr. (VO): Click. Print. Invent. (Fade to black, white you+hp lockup remaining, spinning into hp on black background. invent drops down into place from behind logo)