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Jason Ambrose/Mike Costello/Phil Covitz/Geordie Stephens, art directors
Dustin Ballard/Marc Einhorn/Franklin Tipton, writers
Tom Adams/John Kearse, creative directors
Alex Bogusky/Pete Favat, executive creative directors
Bill Berner, director of photography
Jun Diaz, editor
Mackenzie Cutler, editorial company
David Yazbek, music composer
Martin Granger, director
Jessica Dierauer/David Rolfe/Rupert Samuel, producers
Tony Cantale, production company producer
Moxie Pictures, production company
Arnold Worldwide/Crispin Porter + Bogusky, ad agencies
American Legacy Foundation, client

Twinkies :60 (Open on a sitcom-style title screen) SFX: Fair enough theme song. Super: Fair Enough Anncr. (VO): This episode is based on a 1997 Big Tobacco deposition. Super: From Documents By Big Tobacco (Video opens on a meeting room. An attorney is questioning a man) Attorney 1: Your company told Congress that cigarette smoking was no more addictive than Twinkies. SFX: Laugh track. Attorney 1: If a pack-a-day smoker puffs 5 puffs per cigarette, I have calculated that to be 1,092,000 puffs of cigarette smoke over 30 years. SFX: Laugh track. Man: I'll accept your calculation. Attorney 1: Do you know anybody who has eaten 1,092,000 Twinkies? SFX: Laugh track. Man's Attorney: Object to the form of the question. It's an unfair comparison. A puff of anything might equate to a bite, not a whole Twinkie, but this is pretty silly in any event. And I'm not sure how many bites there are in a Twinkie, but we can investigate at lunch. SFX: Laugh Track Attorney 1: We might do that. (Fade to black) Super: It might be funnier if it wasn't true. Super: See more Big Tobacco documents about their deadly addictive cigarettes at: Fairenough.com Anncr. (VO): Fair enough is a truth production. Logo: A truth production


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