The aim of the TV spot is to make parents and people in education aware that children are exposed to a number of dangers on the internet. They can find out about what can be done to counter this by visiting the EU-sponsored child protection Web site "The Visitors" :60 (Open on a street of well-kept suburban homes. Cars are passing by. Cut to CU of the front door) SFX: Door bell. (Smiling woman opens the door. Cut to four Neo-Nazis) Neo-Nazi: (Introduces his companions) Schmitt, Peters, Jansen, Herrmanns. Is your son home? Mother: Yes. He's up in his room. Come in. (The men go up the stairs) SFX: Door bell. (Mother opens the door to see porn actors) Mother: Yes? Porn Actress: Hi, Is Klaus here? (Mother nods) Mother: Yes, upstairs. Porn Actress: Well then, we'll go up, try out some kinky stuff Mother: Yeah, OK. (The front door crashes in. A person who looks like the terrorist from the computer game Doom holding a sub-machine gun enters the foyer and sprays bullets) Doom Fighter: Where is Klaus? Mother: Ah, there. (Mother points to the stairs. Cut to a 60-year-old smiling man near the ruined front door) Dirty Old Man: Good afternoon. Mother: Ah, hello. Dirty Old Man: Is this little Anna? (Cut to a little girl holding a stuffed rabbit toy) Dirty Old Man: You've got a nice bunny. Come on, I'll show you a real bunny. (The man takes the little girl's hand and they leave. Cut to black.) Super and (VO): In real life you would protect your children. So why not protect them on the Internet. Title card: Supported by the EU.