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Andy Amadeo/Andy Gugel/Kris Wixom, art directors
Alisa Sengel Wixom, writer
Craig Duffney, designer
Roger Camp/Mark Taylor, creative directors
Chris Wiggins, interactive creative director
Jim Hutchins, editor
John Feist, director
Amy Lundeen, agency producer
Brian DiLorenzo, executive agency producer
Fallon, ad agency
Georgia-Pacific, Brawny Paper Towels, client
The brand icon, the Brawny Man became a women's advocate by starting Brawny Academy—a camp where he teaches eight real husbands to clean up their act. Their training was documented in a nine-episode online reality show. Launching with an anthem spot setting up the concept, additional spots, virals, banners, Brawny Man e-mails, endorsement radio and PR were used to promote the webisodes and drive viewers to the site. The spots doubled as 'tutorials' for men who couldn't attend camp. The site featured extras such as a downloadable field guide with lessons women could share with their men. These lessons were also placed in women's magazines and on the packaging. Although Brawny Academy is a piece of branded entertainment it was reviewed as a genuine reality TV show and critically acclaimed by Entertainment Weekly.

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