“Opposite of Everything” 1:15 (Open in a bathroom. Bald-headed man peers at himself in the mirror) SFX: Music up and under. (Cut to the man walking down a busy street. He stops and looks in the window of a toupee store. The toupees are hopping around the window like puppies. He goes inside, tries one on, pays and leaves. Cut to him strolling along wearing his toupee. Cut to the man and his adolescent son at the dining table. The toupee is on the table across from the man slurping up a bowl of milk. The son looks at it with disgust. Cut to a dog show. Camera pans down the dogs on the raised dais and stops at the toupee. Cut to the judges. They award first to the toupee. Cut to a pit bull snarling at the toupee on the ground. The toupee jumps on the dog and bests it. Cut to the son and the man watching TV, eating popcorn and drinking beer. The son is angry again. The man is giving beer to the toupee perched on top of his head. Cut to the bedroom. The man is sleeping. The toupee jumps down from the bed. Cut to a string pulling a sausage along the carpet to the open door of the bathroom. The toupee follows this eagerly and when it gets to the bathroom, the son, seated on the toilet, rises, slightly, grabs it and wipes his bottom with the toupee) Super: The opposite of everything MTV. SFX: Music stops.