Dan Kelleher/
Ari Weiss, writers
Eric Silver, executive creative director
Bill Bruce/
David Lubars, chief creative officers
Ian Mackenzie, editor
Mackenzie Cutler, editorial company
Jim Jenkins, director
Chad Garber, associate producer
Elise Greiche, executive agency producer
Hungry Man, production company
BBDO New York, ad agency
FedEx, client
Map :30 (Open on four employees in a conference room. They are standing in front of a large map of the world. The United States has several red push pinsstuck in various states) Boss: You know FedEx gave us solutions for all of our domestic shipping needs, maybe we should go international. Employee One: Well, FedEx has been in China for over twenty years. Boss: Hey Bill, put a push pin in China. (Bill grabs a red push pin, walks over and sticks into the map) Boss: Bill, that's Russia. (Bill gives a smile, takes out the red pin and tries again. He hovers over the map for a moment. It's obvious he has no idea where China is. He moves the pin around hoping to get an affirmation from his co-workers that he's in the right area. Finally, he just finds a marks and sticks it in) Boss: (annoyed) That's Greenland Bill… You have no idea where China is do you? (Bill tries again, but this time he pretends to trip on the carpeting and "accidently" rips down the map as he falls to the floor. Cut to FedEx logo end treatment) Anncr. (VO): FedEx. Shipping to over 200 cities in China.