Natalie Chambers, art director
Jon Lancaric, writer
Dustin Smith, creative director
Lisa Bennett, chief creative officer
Matthieu Brajot/
John Gordon, designers
Malcom Murray, director of photography
Paul "Moose" Curtis, artist
Garron Change, music
Doug Pray, director
Mia Lischer, producer
Alli Taylor, interactive producer
Frank Brooks, executive agency producer
The Oil Factory, production company
DDB San Francisco, ad agency
The Clorox Company, client
Reverse Graffiti Project "He calls himself Moose, and his artform is reverse graffiti. No paint. No defacing. He creates by cleaning, by removing pollution, and leaving things the way they're meant to be. On April 14, Paul 'Moose' Curtis, commissioned by Green Works natural cleaners, created an outdoor mural in San Francisco's Broadway Tunnel. Moose worked through the night to clean a nature-scape into pollution caked walls, while critically acclaimed filmmaker Doug Pray documented the event. The result was an environmentally friendly work of art and a viral film about a philosophy of clean that went far beyond the sooty walls of one city."