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Stuart Campbell/Rob Trickey, art directors
Arthur Shah/Mia Thomsett, writers
Stuart Campbell/Adam MacLean, designers
Stephen Jurisic/Angus Tucker, creative directors
Indusblue, interactive developer
Ross Birchall, editor
Crush, online editor
John Choi, director of photography
Sanjai Bhana, illustrator
Henry Lu, director
Grayson Matthews, music
Michelle Orlando, agency producer
Andrea Hubert/Merrie Wasson, line producers
Eva Preger/Link York, executive producers
Bijou Editorial, editorial company
Soft Citizen, production company
john st., ad agency
War Child Canada, client
"It's easy for people to ignore a problem that's happening on the other side of the world. For years, War Child Canada struggled to bring awareness to the 250,000 child soldiers fighting in conflicts worldwide. So how did we get the attention we needed? We brought the problem home. Last summer, we advertised a fictitious camp called Camp Okutta. To promote it, we created a YouTube video that was shot much like a typical low-budget camp video. On it, an enthusiastic counselor takes viewers through a typical day at camp as a group of children obediently walk through minefields, throw hand grenades and shoot real AK-47s. Camp counselors were also hired to hand out brochures and put posters up around the city that led people to Camp Okutta's Web site. From there, they learned even more shocking details about camp experience. Only when they clicked on the 'Where is Camp Okutta' button did they realize that while this camp was fictional, similar camps throughout the world are not. Bringing child soldiers into a local context forced people to realize the severity of the problem. The campaign was covered on the CBC national news, national newspapers, countless local TV and radio stations and blogs. Hits to the War Child Web site increased by 400 percent and their online donations more than doubled from the previous year."

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