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Mike Costello/John Parker, art directors
Marc Einhorn/Evan Fry/Alex Russell, writers
Tom Adams/John Kearse, creative directors
Alex Bogusky/Pete Favat, chief creative officers
Geoffrey O'Connor, director of photography
Lawrence Young, editor
Cosmo Street, editorial company
Sound Lounge, sound design
Rob Sayers, sound engineer
Eddy Moretti, director
Chris Kyriakos/Rupert Samuel, producers
James Blom/Jim Czarencki/Ben Dietz/Monica Hampton, production company producers
Vice Films, production company
Riot, post-production company
Arnold/Crispin Porter + Bogusky, ad agencies
American Legacy Foundation/Truth, client

Puppet :60 (Open on Derrick putting on a furry, puppet-style costume in back of a van. As he gets ready, he speaks in voiceover) Super: Truth presents Whudafxup with puppets? Derrick (VO): As long ago as 1969, a tobacco company executive agreed to avoid advertising directed to young people. Yet ten years later, they supplied their products to be featured in The Muppet Movie. Derrick (VO): Let's see who this guy really appeals to, shall we? (Derrick walks up to adults on the street) Derrick: Can I ask you a quick question? (Woman ignores him and keeps walking) Derrick: Do you find me cute? Entertaining? (Man ignores him and keeps walking) Derrick: Quick question, super fast… (Man walks past him in a hurry) Derrick: Would you watch a Hollywood movie if I was in it? (Woman shakes her head no) Derrick: How 'bout this…do you find me cute? Police Officer: You gotta leave the park, this is private property. (Cut to our sad purple guy walking into a park. Out of nowhere, kids are all over him and he happily hops along, laughing and playing with them) Derrick: What's your name? Hi! Hey how are you? Hi (laughing) Do you guys like me? Yes? Yeah! (Cut back to Derrick. He now has his puppet head off) Derrick: Well, it looks like this kind of thing appeals to kids more than adults, so… Fade Up: Whudafxup logo/A truthfilm productionTM/whudafxup.com


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