Jerome Marucci, art director
Steve McElligott, writer
Eric Silver, executive creative director
David Lubars, chief creative officer
Greg Fraser, director of photography
Bill Smedley, editor
Spotwelders, editorial company
Ren Klyce, sound designer
MitOutSound, sound design
Rupert Sanders, director
Anthony Curti/
Ed Zazzera, agency producers
Loren Parkins, agency music producer
MJZ, production company
Mass Market, visual effects company
BBDO New York, ad agency, client
Legs :60 (Open on a guy waking up in the morning. He sits up in bed and throws his legs over the side of the bed. His legs are huge, truly gigantic. He throws on a shirt and gets out of bed. Cut to the guy lumbering along on his huge legs, greeting everyone. He walks into a corn field to a lone elevator. The guy steps into the elevator and hits the down button. Suddenly he begins going down, incredibly fast. He is plummeting at near light speed to the center of the earth. He gets out of the elevator and walks into a small room toward another guy with huge legs furiously riding a stationary bicycle that's attached to some levers. When the biker sees him, he says hello and gets off the bike. Suddenly, the earth stops turning. Cut to the surface of the earth. People try to regain their balance, coffee cups shake. Cut back to the center of the earth. These guys are responsible for making the world turn. The guys exchange places and the world starts turning again) Super: There's a perfect job for everyone. Logo and Tagline: Your calling is calling.