Dayoung Ewart, art director
Erkki Izarra, writer
Alex Burnard, associate creative director
Dave Schiff, creative director
Charles Carlson/
Jiwon Lee, designers
Leif Johnson, director of photography
Jeff Benjamin, interactive creative director
Jason Macdonald, editor
Cosmo Street, editorial company
Beacon Street Studios, music company
Fred Goss, director
Phil Rose, line producer
Rupert Samuel, integrated production director
Matthew Anderson/
Paul Gunnarson, integrated producers
Richard Goldstein, executive producer
Villians, production company
Riot, post-production company
Crispin Porter + Bogusky, ad agency
Coca-Cola, Coke Zero, client
Mike :30 Art Card: Coke vs. Coke Zero Legal Super: Actual lawyer on hidden camera. Exec. 1: Would you agree that these two products taste similar? Attorney: Yes Exec. 2: Do you think that we as the Coke brand would have a case against the Coke Zero brand … because they've infringed upon our taste? Attorney: It's a novel theory. What would your proposed end game be? What would your resolution to this… (stutters) Exec. 2: That they were crushed and Ron, their director, was in the fetal position crying under the copier… Crying… (Attorney looks perplexed. Cut to Coke Zero can) Male Chorus: Da, Da, Da-Da-Da, Da Super: Coca-Cola Taste, Zero Calories. -------------- "Jim K" :30 Art Card: Coke vs. Coke Zero Legal Super: Actual lawyer on hidden camera. Exec. 1: We represent the Coke brand. We would like to sue Coca-Cola Zero. Exec. 2: Would you say that we have a case? Attorney: For what? Exec. 1: For taste infringement. Exec. 2: We want to just sue them back to the stone ages to send a message that they are tampering with really, the flagship of the company. Attorney: One company. It's like you suing yourself. Exec. 1: Yeah. Exec. 2: But they are on a different part of our floor. (Attorney looks perplexed. Cut to Coke Zero can) Male Chorus: Da, Da, Da-Da-Da, Da Super: Coca-Cola Taste, Zero Calories. ------------------ "Elizabeth" :30 Art Card: Coke vs. Coke Zero Legal Super: Actual lawyer on hidden camera. Exec. 1: We represent the Coke brand and we would love to somehow bring some kind of legal action against Coke Zero. Exec. 2: We feel, we feel that there might be some taste infringement issues against Coke Zero. Attorney: Oh, so you're worried about… Exec. 2: I think it is basic taste infringement. I'd like to stick to that phrase 'cuz that sounds really good to me. Attorney: But that's not a claim. Exec. 1: It's not a claim? Exec. 2: Could we sue them just to get it into court? To just, just to to humiliate… Attorney: It'll be dismissed. You'll be humiliated and fired. Exec. 2: We'll be humiliated and fired. Attorney: ...and you'll get fired. Exec. 2: I don't want that. (Attorney looks perplexed. Cut to Coke Zero can) Male Chorus: Da, Da, Da-Da-Da, Da Super: Coca-Cola® Taste, Zero Calories.