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Jonathan Byrne, art director
James Robinson, writer
Greg Bell/Paul Venables, creative directors
Dwight Eschliman, photographer
Adam Pertofsky, editor
Kyle Lauck, director
Craig Allen, producer
Venables Bell & Partners, ad agency
Audi of America, client
Moment :15 Super: On black. Do you have a moment? (The super fades. Cut into a rapid series of shots of images that go by in one or two frames) Super: Missed it? Super: Rewind. (Cut to a drop of water) Super: It takes a moment to create life. (Cut to a slot machine) Super: There are moments that go by too fast. (Cut to birthday cake) Super: Moments not fast enough. (Cut to open mouth and dentist cleaning tools) Super: Waiting for your gears to engage. (Cut to running shots of silver TT Coupe on roadway) Super: TT-Truth.com "0.2 Seconds" :15 Super: On black. 0.2 seconds is nothing. (Cut to a rapid series of shots that go by in one or two frames. Super: Missed it? Super: Rewind. (Cut to eye blink) Super: Faster than a blink. (Cut to a raindrop) Super: Faster than a rain drop. (Cut to a mouse trap) Super: Faster than a mouse trap. (Cut to a snake) Super: Faster than a snake bite. (Cut to new Audi TT) Super: Truth in engineering.

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