Mr. Football End Zone Painter:60 Music: Up and under. Anncr.: Bud Light Presents: "Real Men of Genius". Singer: Real Men of Genius! Anncr.: Today, we salute you Mr. Football End Zone Painter. Singer: Mr. Football End Zone Painter! Anncr.: Armed with a brush and bucket, you create pieces that will last forever, or at least, until they cut the grass. Singer: Please don't mow in this area! Anncr.: Your art touches the heart, stimulates the mind, and taints the ground water in the entire tri-county area. Singer: This water tastes funny! Anncr.: What do you get when you spray 480 metric tons of paint inside a dome? Diminished cognitive skills. Singer: What's my name! Anncr.: So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, Oh Van Gogh of the grid-iron. Because we know, you'll always be up for painting the town. Singer: Mr. Football End Zone Painter! Anncr.: Bud Light Beer, Anheuser-Busch, St. Louis, Missouri. "Mr. Golf Tournament Quiet Sign Holder Upper" :60 Music: Up and under. Anncr: Bud Light presents… Real Men of Genius. Singer: Real Men of Genius! Anncr.: Today we salute you, Mr. Golf Tournament Quiet Sign Holder Upper. Singer: Mr. Golf Tournament Quiet Sign Holder Upper! Anncr.: Boldly you patrol the line between order and anarchy, armed with only your wits, your resolve and your tiny cardboard sign stapled to a stick. Singer: Actually, I glued it on! Anncr.: You protect professional golfers from what they fear most—idle chitchat 200 yards away. Singer: Stop breathing so loud now! Anncr.: Because you know there's one thing this spectator sport could really do without—spectators. Singer: Get them out! Anncr.: So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, Oh, Sultan of the Shush. We'll keep singing your praises, as long as you keep telling us, to shut up. Singer: Mr. Golf Tournament Quiet Sign Holder Upper! Anncr.: Bud Light Beer, Anheuser-Busch, St. Louis, Missouri. "Mr. Rain Delay Tarp Roller Outer" :60 Music: Up and under. Anncr.: Bud Light presents… Real Men of Genius. Singer: Real Men of Genius! Anncr.: Today we salute you, Mr. Rain Delay Tarp Roller Outer. Singer: Mr. Rain Delay Tarp Roller Outer! Anncr.: When mother nature makes her big entrance, you roll out the red carpet. And that red carpet… is seven dollars worth of plastic wrap. Singer: It's actually coated canvas! Anncr.: Forty-thousand loyal fans. Dozens of super star athletes. But at the first drop of rain, you rush to protect…the dirt. Singer: Precious sand! Anncr.: Because the last thing we'd want the infield grass to get—is water. Singer: Or access to sunlight! Anncr.: So crack open an ice cold Bud Light oh Master of the Mist. Every rain cloud has a silver lining. And that silver lining… is you. Singer: Mr. Rain Delay Tarp Roller Outer! Anncr.: Bud Light Beer, Anheuser-Busch, St. Louis, Missouri.