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Dan Magdich, Engauge, art director
Jason Bergeron, Engauge, creative director
Mike Bendar, Engauge, chief creative officer
J. Frink, Animal, editor
Steve Hoover/Danny Yourd, Animal, directors
Matt Haritan, Engauge, broadcast producer
Allan Stallard, Animal, visual effects producer
Animal, production company
Market Street Sound, music company
Engauge, ad agency
Mike Schwab, NGK, client

Art of Fast :30 Cameraman (VO): This is my neighbor's house. We're going to sneak this NGK spark plug into his leaf blower. Prankster 1: He's coming! Let's go! Cameraman (VO): Hurry up! Get back here! Prankster 2: Got the spark plug in...We're all set. Always wear your safety glasses, kids! (Man starts up leaf blower and is immediately blown into the air) Pranksters: Whoa!!! Cameraman (VO): Let's go right now! Super: Better Plugs. More Power. You've Been NGK'd ArtOfFast.com


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