Gym :45 Anncr.: (In the manner of a racetrack announcer) And they're off. Out of the gate it's "Hit the Gym" with "Tight Shorts" and "Flabby Abs." And here comes "Empty Treadmill" right next to "Mega Hottie" with "Naughty Body." And now "Macho Man" is off and running. He's gaining speed and looking good. It's "200 Pounds of Man Meat" on the move. But, oh no, what's this? It's "Air Biscuit" breaking from the rear. It's "Mouse Squeaking." It's "Door Creaking." It's "A Rooty Toot Toot" and "A Ratty Tat Tat" and "Mega Hottie" has stopped dead in her tracks. And in the end it's "Skip The Squats," "Light A Match" and "Better Tighten Up Those Buns." SFX: Starting gate opens. Anncr.: For a better time, go to the track. National Thoroughbred Racing. We bet you love it.