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Brian Roach, art director
Jim Sollisch, writer/creative director
Joanne Kim, executive creative director
Andreas von Scheele, director of photography
Mike O'Brien, editor
The Carson Group, editorial company
Eric Garcia, 48 Windows, audio mixer
Kevin Kerwin, director
Nikki Di Franco, agency producer
Kate O'Neil, production company producer
Authentic Films, production company
Marcus Thomas LLC, ad agency
Akron Children's Hospital, client
Meet Cael's Sister Catherine :30 (Open on Cael’s mom holding him) Catherine (VO): Cael has leukemia, and I donno what leukemia is. Well, I know it is bad for you, leukemia. Super: Cael gets chemotherapy every 10 days at Akron Children’s Hospital. Catherine (VO): Last night when he had to go get his chemo... (Cut to mom holding Cael in the rocking chair) Catherine (VO): ...mom slept in the rocking chair, and then dad slept on the couch but sometimes mom cries. She was afraid he was gonna die, but he didn't. (Cut back to Catherine) Catherine: He's almost gonna be done with his leukemia. He's almost better with it, it's almost gone, and we are happy about that. Super: See Cael's story. Tell us yours akronschildrens.tv "Meet Cael's Brother CJ" :30 (Open on Cael’s brother CJ playing with Cael) CJ: One day I got a call from my grandma saying that she was going to be watching us tonight because my mom and dad were going to be up at the hospital and I said why? And they’re like, “They think Cael has a type of cancer. Super: Cael has Leukemia. CJ (VO): Right now it’s basically like starting a new life. He is just kinda little, so it is really hard for him. Super: He was diagnosed at Children’s Hospital 11 months ago. (Cut back to CJ) CJ: I have to help him because I have to look out for my little brother. Super: Cael’s story. Tell us yours akronchildrens.tv "Meet Cael: Chemotherapy day" :30 (Open on hospital corridor. Dad is carrying Cael) Super: Akron Children's Hospital: Monday. Dad: Say Hi Cael: Bye - Doctor: Hey Cael! Dad: Not bye, say hi we are here. Super: Today, Cael is getting his 12th chemo treatment. Nurse: Start with a bracelet. We are going to touch your head, got it! Alright. Super: Dr. Jeffrey Hord. Dr. Jeffrey Hord: What's those? Cael: Stickers. Dr. JH: Stickers. Super: He gets one every 10 days. Dad: All right. Cael: (Happy mumbling) Nurse: Wanna see? There you go. Dad: Say bye. Cael: Bye! Nurse: Bye! See ya! Super: See Cael's story. Tell us yours. akronschildrens.tv

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