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Brandon Mugar, art director
Adam Reeves, writer
Greg Hahn/Mike Smith, executive creative directors
Bill Bruce/David Lubars, chief creative officers
Toby Irwin, director of photography
David Henegar, editor
Butcher Editorial, editorial company
Search Party Music, music company
Noam Murro, director
Jay Veal, producer
Nicholas Gaul, agency producer
Shawn Lacy/Colleen O'Donnell, executive producers
Brian DiLorenzo, executive director of production
The Barbarian Group, digital effects company
Biscuit Filmworks, production company
BBDO New York, ad agency
HBO, client
“Trapped” :40 (Open on a mime (bathed in light) acting as if he is trapped in a box. He wears mime makeup and is trained in the art of mime, giving a truly convincing performance. The camera pans out to reveal the mime is not performing, but is actually trapped inside a clown truck. Camera continues pulling back so we see the car is in the middle of a lake. Camera follows the truck with the mime trapped inside under water) Title: It’s more than you imagined. It’s HBO. “Happy Kid” :40 (Open inside a living room, a kid is sleeping peacefully amid a pile of teddy bears. He is very lucky to have so many toys. Any kid’s dream. His mom walks by, tousles her son’s hair and picks up a couple of bears and the camera moves with her, moving across their palatial dream home. The camera cranes up and we see the mother sit down at a nearby table and start sewing packets of stolen diamonds into the teddy bears and adding them to the pile of teddy bears already sewn shut. More diamonds wait on the table to be hidden. What we have been watching is not an idyllic home situation, but rather a diamond smuggling ring) Title: It’s more than you imagined. It’s HBO. “The Big One” :40 (Open on a close-up of two guys lying on a blanket. One guy is fighting back a sneeze. His friend is looking at him, aghast. As the first man continues to hold back his sneeze, his friend grows more frustrated…then worried. The Camera moves to show that the two men are partners in the bomb squad, actively disarming a bomb in a large, evacuated bank. We see the man who is about to sneeze is holding the wires…about to clip them…a sneeze would be catastrophic) SFX: Sneeze. Explosion. Title: It’s more than you imagined. It’s HBO.

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