Stuart Jennings/
Gary Van Dzura, art directors
Scott Hayes/
Eric Steele, writers
Derek Barnes/
Stuart Jennings/
John Parker, creative directors
Kevin Proudfoot/
Todd Waterbury, executive creative directors
Dave Morabito, O Positive, director of photography
Andrew Robertson, Joint NY, editor
Rob DiFondi, Audio Engine, audio mixer
David Shane, O Positive, director
Tom McCullough (Arnold Palmer, Duck to Water)/
Matt Reilly (Going Up), Method Studios, visual effects artists
Jamie Wilkinson, The Mill, Telecine colorist
Ken Licata Jr., O Positive, line producer
Alison Hill, broadcast producer
Gary Krieg, executive agency producer
Wieden+Kennedy New York, ad agency
ESPN, client
Duck to Water :15 (Open with a shot of the Oregon Duck sitting at a desk, typing, at the ESPN offices. There is a window behind him where there is a pond with ducks on it. He leans back in his chair and looks out the window) SFX: Phone rings. Super: ESPN Offices September 4, 9:34 am. SFX: Ducks quacking. SFX: Typing. Oregon Duck: Sighs. Super: This is SportsCenter "Arnold Palmer" :15 (Open with a shot of the ESPN cafeteria. There is a line at the iced tea/lemonade station, and Arnold Palmer is at the front of the line. His caddy, Scott Van Pelt and Stuart Scott are in line behind him) SFX: The sounds of a busy cafeteria. (Arnold Palmer goes to the iced tea, then the lemonade, then back to the iced tea. He then walks off camera, caddy in tow) SFX: The sound of a drink dispenser. (Scott Van Pelt and Stuart Scott watch Arnold walk away with admiration) Scott Van Pelt: That was awesome. Stuart Scott: I know. Super: This is SportsCenter. "Going Up" :15 (Open with Jay Harris waiting for an elevator at the ESPN offices) SFX: Office noise in the background. Elevator “ding.” Super: ESPN Offices May 28, 6:08pm (Jay Harris walks into the elevator after the door opens, and stands next to the New Jersey Devils mascot who was in the elevator before him) Jay Harris: Going up? (The New Jersey Devils mascot shakes his head in response to Jay’s question. Jay’s expression changes from courteous to concerned as he quickly gets out of the elevator before the door closes) Super: This is SportsCenter. (ESPN logo)