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Gary Van Dzura, art director
Luke Behrends (Copier)/Josh DiMarcantonio (Copier)/Scott Hayes (Spy, Octagon), writers
Brandon Henderson/Stuart Jennings/Kevin Proudfoot, creative directors
Jerome Austria/Kevin Proudfoot/Todd Waterbury, executive creative directors
Eric Gross (Copier)/Andrew Robertson (Spy, Octagon), Joint New York, editors
Joint New York, editorial company
David Shane, O Positive, director
The Mill, Telecine colorist
Kelly Dage, agency producer
Gary Krieg, executive broadcast producer
O Positive, production company
Wieden+Kennedy New York, ad agency
ESPN, client
Octagon :15 (Open in the ESPN offices) Super: ESPN offices November 22, 10:42 A.M. (Open on John Anderson walking down the hall. We see a cubicle whose walls have been replaced with fencing from a UFC Octagon and inside sits Georges St-Pierre) Anderson: Hey Georges… St-Pierre: Yeah? Anderson: Can I borrow one of your sticky notes? St-Pierre: Yeah. (St-Pierre slides a pad of sticky notes over to the edge of his desk and coyly looks at Anderson) St-Pierre: Come on in. (Anderson thinks about it for a second, but decides against it and scurries off) Anderson: You know, I'm just gonna write it on my hand. "Spy" :30 (Open in the ESPN offices) Super: ESPN offices December 4, 11:28 P.M. Levy: Hey Ovie. Ovechkin: Hey, what's up? Levy: What are you doing in the dark, man? Ovechkin: Nothing…just late night filings. Levy: Really, late night filing? What are you a Russian spy or something? Ovechkin: Yeah right. (Levy and Ovechkin exchange laughs) Levy: All right, I'll catch you later. Ovechkin: Yeah, see ya. (As Levy leaves, a ceiling tile moves revealing Ovechkin's Russian teammate Semyon Varlamov waiting in the rafters. He tosses a rope down to Ovechkin. Semyon Varlamov: (in Russian) That was close. Ovechkin: (in Russian) Too close. (Ovechkin attaches the rope to his belt and ascends into the ceiling) "Copier" :30 (Open on ESPN offices) Super: ESPN offices May 25, 3:37 P.M. (Landon Donovan walks up to the copy machine and attempts to copy something. He waits, it doesn't work. He tries pushing the button again and it still doesn't work. He kicks the machine and it starts copying, but, mysteriously, a yellow card comes out instead of a copy. He looks at it confused) Donovan: I didn't even do anything. (Now a red card comes out) Donovan: Come on, man.

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