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Tim O'Malley, art director
Ted Jendrysik, writer
Michael Ancevic/Stephen Mietelski, group creative directors
Mark Wenneker, chief creative officer
Jessica Pearson/Toar Winter, editors
Patrick Ruth, director of photography
Jamee Sheey, agency producer
Derek Emanuel, production company producer
Mark Hankey, executive producer
Zeke Bowman, executive agency producer
Liza Near, integrated production director
Mullen, editorial company/ad agency
Picture Park, production company
Olympus, client
The Olympus Tough lives up to its name. It can take great pictures and video no matter how extreme your lifestyle may be. To prove this we placed the camera in situations that were as entertaining as they were extreme. It just goes to show that the digital platform is the perfect place for a good old-fashioned product demo.

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