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Mike Schonberger, art director
Matt Hubbard, writer
Terry Drummond/Alan Madill/Barry Quinn, executive creative directors
Sean Meehan, director of photography/director
Marc Langley, editor
Rooster Post Production, editorial company
Crimson Wing, music
Pirate Toronto, music company
Sam McGarry, producer
Margaret John, agency producer
Chris Tait, music producer
Dan Ford, executive producer
Sons and Daughters, production company
Juniper Park, ad agency
Tropicana, client
“Good Morning, Morning” :60 (Open on morning scenes) Narrator (VO): Good morning, morning. (Cut to people waking up) Narrator (VO): Good morning, sideways world. Good morning, bleary eyes and ruffled hair. The squeaky door. The creaky floor. Sleepyheads with wobbly legs. And that shirt with the stubborn button. Good morning, snoozers, snorers, yawners and dozy dreamers. It’s time to wake up. It’s time to shine. Good morning, morning. (Hand reaches into fridge for Tropicana) Super: Tropicana. Tap into nature.

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