Jaimes Zentil, art director
Craig McIntosh, writer
Craig McIntosh/
Jaimes Zentil, associate creative directors
Peter Ignazi/
Carlos Moreno, executive creative directors
Oliver Wood, director of photography
Noah Herzog, editor
General Editorial, editorial company
Human Music, music company
Stylewar, director
Dena Thompson, agency producer
Soft Citizen, production companies
The Mill, visual effects company
BBDO Toronto, ad agency
Shaw Communications Inc., client
“Car Chase” :60 (Open on an abandoned warehouse in the seedy and battered area of San Pedro Harbour. A car sits outside and two burly, shady looking characters load duffel bags into its trunk.) SFX: Multiple police sirens. (The criminals hop in their car, and with a roar, cruise off. Cut up from viewing them in the rear window to reveal that on top of the getaway car sits a La-Z-Boy chair in which a man is pinned to his seat, hands gripping the armrests. He holds a Shaw EXO remote control. Ahead of him we see the empty frame of a flatscreen TV. The camera focuses on the man’s excited face) Legal Super: This is a dramatization only. Professional driver/stunt actor on closed road. Do not attempt. (Cut to the cop cars. On the other car is a lone woman sitting in her seat. They both have empty flatscreen TV frames and watch the action unfold. The car chase weaves through the port and heads for an impossible situation, the end of the dock. As the getaway car hurtles over a jump at the end, and flies in the air, the man in his La-Z-Boy looks more excited than ever. Super: THE ULTIMATE TV EXPERIENCE IS HERE SUPERIOR HD QUALITY Super: THE MOST HD CONTENT Super: (Shaw EXO logo) Super: shaw.ca