Jimmy Dietzen, art director
Matt Miller/
Ryan Wolin, writers
Britt Nolan/
Mikal Pittman, creative directors
Jeanie Caggiano/
Charley Wickman, executive creative directors
Susan Credle, chief creative officer
Carlos Lowenstein/
Matthew Wood, The Whitehouse, editors
The Whitehouse, editorial company
Romain Gavras, The Directors Bureau, director
Bryan Litman, producer
The Directors Bureau, production company
Leo Burnett, ad agency
Allstate, client
“Blind Spot” :60 (Open on a two lane street. A pickup truck is driving in the right lane beside a large van. The camera pulls in between two cars to reveal mayhem with his back pressed against the side of the van as he stands on its running board. Mayhem speaks to the camera) Man: I’m your blind spot. (Cut to the front of the van. The driver is completely unaware of the truck) Man: And my job is easy. Hide big things. And I’m really good at my job. (The driver checks her mirror, she doesn’t see the truck, she just sees mayhem who has now made it to the driver’s door. Mayhem speaks to her) Man: In fact, I’m blind spot of the month. You’re good. (The driver then changes lanes and the two vehicles clip. There is a slow motion scene of the car spinning) SFX: Crash! (Mayhem looks through the driver’s window and speaks) Man: And if you named your own price on car insurance, you could be paying for this yourself. (Mayhem then gets on the running board of another car as it slowly drives by the accident) Man: So get Allstate, you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. (Cut to black frame with Allstate logo) Super: Are you in good hands? “Raccoon” :30 (Open on an attic that’s been torn apart. There’s pink insulation everywhere. We find mayhem laying in a makeshift bed made of pink insulation) Man: I’m a raccoon. And this time in your attic has been the best week of my raccoon life. (He’s got pink bits of pink all over him. As he’s walking around, he’s pulling up a long electrical wire. It’s stapled to the studs and joist, so he’s yanking hard and knocking stuff over in the process) Man: I’m digging, I’m nesting in this fluffy stuff. I’ve already had like four babies. (He yanks the wire hard and it snaps with a big spark) Man: I’m the smartest raccoon I know. (The attic light goes out) SFX: Bzzzzzz! (Cut to outside the house. Mayhem is climbing out of the roof hole he made) Man: And if you got your home insurance where you got your fifteen-minute car insurance, you could be paying for this yourself. So get Allstate, you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. (Cut to black frame with Allstate logo) Super: Are you in good hands? “Toddler” :15 (Open on mayhem in the back seat of a car holding a sippy cup. He’s yelling loudly toward the front seat) Man: Mommy......Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!......Mommy! Mommmmy! (Mayhem throws his sippy cup into the front seat) Man: Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! (Cut to black frame with Allstate logo) Super: Are you in good hands?