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Guy Barnett, art director
Brooklyn Brothers, writer/ad agency
Scott Henriksen, director of photography
Bryan Buckley, director
Dave Skinner, production designer
Mino Jarjoura, producer
Kevin Byrne, executive producer
Hungry Man, production company
New Era, client
“912 and on the Lam” 2:00 (Open on John having a computer chat with Alec) John: Wow, for someone who just watched their team get totally annihilated you seem pretty calm. Alec: It’s not whether you get knocked down, John, it’s whether you get back up again. John: OK, well let’s see if your bullpen can get back up after tonight’s meltdown. Alec: And we’ll see if you can get back up after this. John: Are those Red Sox tickets? That’s awesome. Alec: I’m gonna make everybody in Fenway cry. (Alec sets fire to the tickets. The fire spreads quickly) John: No! No! No please no! Wow, they are flammable. Alec: Call 912! John: What? Alec: Call 912! It’s 911 for rich people! 912 (VO): They’re searching for a man fleeing from a building fire on the Upper East Side. The man was described as well dressed but emotionally unstable. John: (On phone) Alec! Are you all right? Why would you burn tickets in your living room? Alec: Man, you sound just like the police! Yeah. I burned my apartment building down! I’m on the lam John! John: Listen, Alec, if you ever need a place to stay you... SFX: Knocking Alec: Open the door, John. John: One second! Alec: John. John open the door, John. John: OK, it’s probably just my neighbor. He’s a real... Alec: Hey John. This is your apartment? John: You know it is. Alec: Could you get my bags? John: I’d rather not. Alec: John! I was in a fire. (John drags one of Alec’s bags into the apartment)

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