“912 and on the Lam” 2:00 (Open on John having a computer chat with Alec) John: Wow, for someone who just watched their team get totally annihilated you seem pretty calm. Alec: It’s not whether you get knocked down, John, it’s whether you get back up again. John: OK, well let’s see if your bullpen can get back up after tonight’s meltdown. Alec: And we’ll see if you can get back up after this. John: Are those Red Sox tickets? That’s awesome. Alec: I’m gonna make everybody in Fenway cry. (Alec sets fire to the tickets. The fire spreads quickly) John: No! No! No please no! Wow, they are flammable. Alec: Call 912! John: What? Alec: Call 912! It’s 911 for rich people! 912 (VO): They’re searching for a man fleeing from a building fire on the Upper East Side. The man was described as well dressed but emotionally unstable. John: (On phone) Alec! Are you all right? Why would you burn tickets in your living room? Alec: Man, you sound just like the police! Yeah. I burned my apartment building down! I’m on the lam John! John: Listen, Alec, if you ever need a place to stay you... SFX: Knocking Alec: Open the door, John. John: One second! Alec: John. John open the door, John. John: OK, it’s probably just my neighbor. He’s a real... Alec: Hey John. This is your apartment? John: You know it is. Alec: Could you get my bags? John: I’d rather not. Alec: John! I was in a fire. (John drags one of Alec’s bags into the apartment)