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Robin Heisey/Joe Piccolo, writers
Joe Piccolo, associate creative director
Robin Heisey, chief creative officer
RMW, music company
Judy Hamilton, agency producer
Art Mulen, music producer
Cynthia Roach, project manager
Draftfcb Toronto, ad agency
Family Service Toronto, client

Abuse :60 Music: Dull, throbbing music starts. Boy: Daddy Uh—Da-Daddy hit me. He said I shouldn't be bad again. And I really try not to be. (His voice begins to morph from a young boy's to a teenager's) Teenager: But then, I'd forget to clean my room and Dad would grab me by my hair and throw me on the ground and... (His voice begins to morph from teenaged to adult) Adult: Tell me what an idiot I was. I was an idiot though. I knew I shouldn't have stayed out past my curfew so I deserved everything I got for that. Then I moved out, got married and now I have kids. When I come home after, you know, a long day at work and I see something stupid like someone forgetting to clean their room, you'd better believe there's gonna be hell to pay. Music: Fades out. Female announcer: Stop the cycle of abuse. If you or someone you know needs help, go online and learn more at familyservicetoronto.org


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