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Gary Amante/JP Palileo, art directors
David Guerrero/Red Ollero/Rey Tiempo, writers
Gary Amante/Rey Tiempo, creative directors
David Guerrero, executive creative director/chief creative officer
J.A. Tadena, director of photography
Cindy Evangelista/Iking Uy, program managers
Hit Productions, sound production
Joel Limchoc, director
Cristina Buenaventura, planner
Idda Aguilar/Ino Magno/Aldous Pagaduan, agency producers
Revolver, production company
Post Manila, post-production company
BBDO Guerrero, Inc., ad agency
Christian Galvez/Jay Lopez, Bayer Philippines, Inc., clients
Grain :15, "Stamp" :15, "Laundry" :15 "Saridon is a pill to treat persistent headaches. These TV spots show a rural farm worker, a government office worker and a laundrywoman whose headaches come to life in the form of a 'headache double,' attacking them nonstop while they're working nonstop. Headaches can be aggravated by our market's tough working conditions, hence the need for a more powerful remedy."

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