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Jonathan Mackler, art director
Jim LeMaitre, writer
Samira Ansari/Lisa Topol, creative directors
Mark Figliulo, chief creative officer
Andrzej Sekula, director of photography
Carlos Arias/Dave Koza, editors
Mackenzie Cutler/Rock Paper Scissors, editorial companies
Tom Jucarone/Sound Lounge, audio mixers
Ulf Johansson, director
Michael Peterson, visual effects supervisor
Tim Masick, CO3, Telecine colorist
Megan Moore, line producer
David Fisher/Sasha Hirshfield/Eve Kornblum/Jason Souter/Robert Valdes, executive producers
Phil Whalley, visual effects producer
Philippa Smith, production company producer
Smith and Jones Films, production company
MPC, visual effects company
Being, New York, ad agency
Mondelez International, client
Puppet :45 "John is a puppet, and it's something he's never been able to accept. Why? Because that would mean accepting that he can't eat Wheat Thins, and that's just not going to happen. And try as they might, John's doctors can't seem to find the right way of breaking the news to him." "Night Vision" :30 "If you love Wheat Thins, you're not alone. That's why you have to keep your eye on them at all times. Even in the middle of the night. In your own kitchen. Using any kind of technological advantage you can find."

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