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Tim Eger, art director
Tom Hamling, writer
Tim Eger/Tom Hamling, creative directors
Scott Brewer/Ryan Carroll, group creative directors
Jay Russell, executive creative director
Jimi Whitaker, director of photography
Jay Nelson, editor
Frank Todaro, director
Susie Carlson, stylist
Laura Heflin, line producer
Klaudia Flanigin/Haley Rushing, planners
Flo Babbitt/Allison Wagner, agency producers
Bill Wine/Karol Zeno, executive producers
Ryan Gallagher, project manager
Moxie Pictures, production company
GSD&M, ad agency
RadioShack, client
The Phone Call :60 "RadioShack was the best electronics store of the 1980s. The problem is, they never left the 1980s. Public perception of their outdatedness was so bad that RadioShack had become a national joke on late night talk shows and across the rest of media. Our goal? To change this perception in one commercial during Super Bowl XLVIII, the most-watched TV event in United States history. The idea of this film is simple: The 1980s called. They want their store back. Notable celebrities from the 1980s invade a RadioShack to take back their old stuff and make room for the store of the future. By tackling the issue head-on, we finally got the world to laugh with us and not at us."

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