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Ryan Montgomery, art director
Nicole Berard/Kai Neddersen/Jamie Rome/Jon Ruby/Allison Rude, writers
Tim Vaccarino/Dave Weist, group creative directors
Mark Wenneker, chief creative officer
Veronica Padilla, artist
Jeremiah TRUE, production designer
Jamee Sheehy, producer
Charley Perkins, digital producer
Mullen, ad agency/client

This holiday season, Mullen wanted to spread peace and goodwill on ad blogs. So we invented the Hater Translator, Mullen's gift to the advertising community. Through a unique device created in-house by our IT department, mean-spirited comments were instantly replaced with messages of hope. The Hater Translator was made up of Mullen writers translating more than 100 mean comments on ad blogs in real time under the name Hater Translator. We created a video showing off the Hater Translator machine and revealing that it was in fact Mullen, turning hateful comments into joy.


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