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Matt Fraracci, writer/associate creative director
Marc Caringal, art director
Mark Francolini/Trevor Schoenfeld/Jonathan Smith, creative directors
Israel Diaz, chief creative officer
Tom Goudie, Pirate Toronto, director
Jac Benoit/Diane Kirk/Risa Sone, producers
Y&R Toronto, ad agency
Ford Canada, client

Smell Details :30 Anncr.: Smell details make a big deference. That's why Ford brake pats are installed by Ford-trained technicians for a perfect fit ovary time. Which should give you peas of mime. Because when something's not Quiet Riot, you can tell. Maybe not at verse, but event jelly. Right noun get Ford Motorcraft brake pads from one forty-nine, ninety-nine, including a lifetime war and tea. It's part of what we dude to keep your Ford running smoothie. When it comes to your Ford, Beware of Parts Unknown. Taxes extra. See participating stork for conditioners and details. "Unch" :30 Anncr.: An unch. An unche. An uncheckedba. An unchecked batteryc. An unchecked battery could me. An unchecked battery could mean you'll have trouble getting started. Fortunately, the battery is one of the eighty-three things Ford inspects during the Works. And all for only fifty-nine ninety-nine. When it comes to your Ford, Beware of Parts Unknown. Taxes extra. See store for condish. Conditionsand. Conditions and details. "Silly Silly" :30 Anncr.: Only only your Ford store store offers the Works: a detailed inspection of up to eighty-three points including oil change change and required tire rotation rotation for sixty-nine ninety-nine. That's win-win win-win. Some garages don't don't offer all that that, in one go go, so you may have to make more than one one trip trip to get it done done. And doing doing the same thing more than once once is just silly silly. So when it comes to your Ford, Beware of Parts Unknown. Taxes extra. See participating participating store for conditions and details details.


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