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Meredith Abbott/Brit Ryan, art directors
Kristi Battarbee/Zach DeBlaey/Chris Gault/Lee Hanson/Jenny Kirmis/Curtis Peterschmidt, writers
Derek Till, group creative director
Eric Husband, executive creative director
Mike Caguin, chief creative officer
Nicole Goodman, senior integrated producer
Exponent, PR division of Colle+McVoy, ad agency
Duluth Trading Company, client
To generate interest during the holidays in Duluth Trading Company's line of flannel clothing, we combined flannel and analytics to create the humorous and content-driven Flannelytics report. This official declaration of the Top Ten Flannel Cities in America was featured in the Huffington Post and People StyleWatch. It even had news anchors wearing Duluth flannel during their broadcasts. The campaign helped generate record fourth-quarter web traffic and sales.

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