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Inspired by the album art for Get Born, director Robert Hales asked Blind to help create a video for Jet's Are You Gonna Be My Girl that blends live action, illustration and animation together seamlessly. Chugging guitar rifts, dirty bass lines and gravely vocals of lead singer Cameron are complemented by an array of classic rock 'n' roll iconography such as skulls, dancing girls and flames. The challenge was to build upon the black-and-white illustrations and bring them to life in an organic and unusual way. This meant that the intricate drawings had to be deconstructed in order to make them move in a fluid manner. At moments, ink splatters onto the camera propelling an outgrowth of graphics. The dark puddles of ink continue to seep throughout, evolving into a wonderland of foliage that leaves the band immersed in a whirlpool of psychedelic doodles. With a little over a week, the Blind team created over 60 effects shots. In addition, the film was shot and transferred in color, so great care went into achieving a look that mimicked black-and-white photography.

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