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Tim Holmes, Grey Worldwide, art director
Chloe Lazar, Grey Worldwide, writer
Nigel Dawson, Grey Worldwide, creative director
Rohan Voight, Voigtex Creative, typography
Garth Oriander, Garth Oriander Photography, photographer
Gary Galacho, Grey Worldwide, production manager
Grey Worldwide, ad agency
Clare Kowarsky, Open Family Australia, client
Open Family is dedicated to improving the well-being and self-worth of street children through unconditional support. But more funds are needed so social workers can continue to rehabilitate street children. By appealing to mothers to imagine he was their child, the homeless child tells how his life can slowly decay from normality to hopelessness on the street. A sad or happy ending? In the end, the mother can see the difference a donation can make. 20 page booklet, 5 3/4 x 8 1/4, saddle-stitched, die-cut interior pages showing progressive injuries to the chid.

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